Make up is something quite essential when you step out of your house. These simple make up tips will help women in building their confidence levels at workplace, sets attitude and speeds up the daily routine work.
In doing make up, the first step would be the application of moisturizer. The soothing lotion needs to be applied right after the bath. This provides the drained out moisture to skin and prevents dry flaky skin. Then apply a light colored lip balm after bath to prevent chapping of lips.
Next, you can use a concealer or a foundation to cover all the blemishes, age spots and dark eye circles. Blend the foundation on skin with fingertips so that the color tone is even. Use a compact powder to keep the foundation and concealer longer. Dab the powder on nose, chin and neck as these are the places that sweat more.
For eyes, use an eyeliner pencil. Apply a thin line on the lower lid and upper lid to brighten up your beautiful eyes. You can also use eye shadow to enhance the look of your eyes. Use a black eye shadow to darken the eyebrows.
Lips is the other important thing. Apply a natural lip color and dab with color. This gives a natural look to the lips. You can also apply a lip gloss to sparkle your lips.
Always try simple make up to look beautiful and natural. While purchasing a foundation or a concealer choose what suits perfect for your skin tone. This simple make up takes only minutes to get ready. That’s so important to a busy lady.
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